
The goal of our Student Ministry at Cross Timbers Baptist Church is to walk alongside students and their families and reveal to them the supremacy of Christ in their lives. This happens by showing them who God is and His importance in our lives, teaching them what it means to rely on God and obey Him, and sharing God’s Word with those who are lost.

Sunday Mornings @ 9:15 am

On Sunday mornings, we take the time to understand how passages in the Bible apply to us today and how we can learn from them. Currently, we are walking through the Youth Bible Study Roadmap from RightNow Media. It includes a 10-minute video followed by a guided discussion. We go between covering books of the Bible in small chunks to getting into specific topics of how to be a Christian in our world today.

Yearly Events

We have several events that happen throughout the year that help the students grow closer together as a group while fellowshipping and learning more about God's call on our lives:



Disciple Now is a weekend filled with learning more about God. We have worship, small groups, games, and a service activity throughout the weekend. Our D-Now is a large event coordinated together with other local churches for the purpose of showing students in Parker County what it looks like to be part of the Global Church. 

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Jake Valdez, Student Minister 

Have a question about the student ministry? Want to know how to serve?

Contact our Student Minister, Jake.

Summer Fun Days


Throughout the summer we go and have some fun around the DFW area. In the past, we have gone to baseball games, lake days, escape rooms, Six Flags, and more! 

Summer Camp

TBD - Summer 2023

Details concerning 2023's Summer Camp will be sent out to parents and updated here soon!

See You at the Pole/Polevault

September 27, 2023

This is an opportunity for students every year to pray together with their fellow believers at their schools. That morning students pray before school starts then that night we gather together with local churches for a night of worship and teaching.